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When the forbidden happens

 When the forbidden happens
Categories: Love words

When the forbidden happens

An 11-year-old child and his 10-year-old classmate were burned to death by a ball. The children were playing in the gardens of the dome. The child, Mahmoud Ibrahim, disagreed with his rival in playing, Abdullah Hassan, about “the ball.” The first said that the ball had entered the ball.. and the second objected. The negligent... Mahmoud pushed his opponent, Abdullah, and he fell into the fire. The fire caught his clothes and body. The people tried to save him. An ambulance took him to Al-Demerdash Hospital, where he died from his burns. The investigation was undertaken by Ahmed Fawzi Ismail, the Cairo Events Prosecutor. A heinous crime that occurred in the Cairo events neighborhood. Al-Sahel: A barber kills a restaurant owner because he refused to give him a cup of water to his nephew. The killer admonishes the restaurant owner, and the rebuke turns into an argument in which he draws a knife and slaughters him, then drags him into the street to stab him ten times, then runs to the Sahel police station to confess to his crime. This is the detail of what happened. At eleven o'clock in the morning, a 23-year-old young man stormed into the office of Lieutenant Colonel Hassan Al-Muhairi, the commander of the Coast Department, and his index fingers and thumb were dripping with blood. His neck and chest suffered from burns, while he held in his right hand a long knife with a blade 35 centimeters long and stained with blood. Without premeditation, he shouted at The warden said: Hide me, Fendi. My name is Ahmed Ahmed. I work as a barber. Youssef Shedid, the owner of the restaurant on the coast, hit me, so I hit him with the knife in my hand. The restaurant is on Tenth Street. The police and prosecutors moved to the scene and found the owner of the restaurant slaughtered. From his neck, his body was torn and had ten stab wounds and was covered in blood. Investigations revealed that the killer had the nephew of a tailor boy who worked next to the restaurant. And that he was accustomed to taking water from the restaurant. Three days ago, the boy went to ask for a cup of water, but the dead man refused and expelled him. A quarrel broke out. Between him and Al-Tarazi, they then reconciled. After a few days, the killer, who was the boy’s uncle and worked as a barber, learned of what had happened, so he went to the restaurant to blame the dead man. The latter came an hour later and saw the barber, his nephew, his brother-in-law, and the workers of Al-Tarazi’s shop waiting for him. He sensed evil and imagined that they were waiting to attack him. He fled into the shop. The barber ran after him, and the terrified dead man grabbed a pot of boiling water on the restaurant table and threw it in the barber’s face, injuring him with severe burns. The barber became mad, so he grabbed the knife with which the restaurant owner cut meat and pulled the dead man to the door of the shop, slaughtered him by the neck, then pulled him out. The body was taken to the street and he began stabbing him madly ten times. The killer was injured in his index finger and thumb during the crime. The accused was directed to investigate and decided that he did not intend to kill the owner of the restaurant who had provoked him. He began to cry. The prosecutor ordered the killer to be imprisoned pending investigation. He was also charged with premeditated murder with ambush. The investigation is still ongoing. This is a sample of the incidents that we read every day on the crimes page. The hero of them is always a man in a state of affairs. He has nothing to do with him. A calamity strikes him and he finds himself in the clear. One moment and another in the iron with the blood of a dead man on his head... and a gallows... and a jailer. He is a murderer out of nowhere. He murdered as a boy at the age of 11. Or like this barber. A man with no previous records. He went on a walk to blame his neighbor and came back covered in blood, panting from terror and seeking refuge with the police to save him. The reader passes these lines as he... He trembles... and in his heart there is a primal fear that one day he might leave his home and return in iron... or on a stretcher, or not at all... The future is always dependent on what the unseen has in store... it depends on what is possible... and no one can know what the unseen hides. .. Nor what is concealed by the Destiny .. There is no security .. There is no guarantee .. Everything is permissible .. The possibilities of coincidence, agreement and fate are limitless .. I think a lot about such incidents .. and I ask myself .. Are the possibilities of coincidence and fate limitless? Indeed... Is it possible for a person to turn into a murderer in an instant... and behave like a beast of the jungle... Can chance strip him of his morals and lead him to what is not in his nature... Do accidents have the quality of inevitability... and oppression... Can they conquer a person? On what is not in his nature... Or is its role secondary... No more than that it gives an opportunity for the secrets of this nature to emerge and its secrets and secrets to be revealed... And that in reality we do not encounter on the path of life anyone but ourselves... If we fall into the crime, then we are criminals by reason and not by chance. Accidents are more than just the occasion to reveal our true selves. I am of this opinion. I believe that man is stronger than accidents. And that nothing that happens outside can have the character of inevitability due to man’s will, and that we are in a moment of impasse.. and catastrophe. When the forbidden happens, we do not fall or get involved. Rather, we choose. We choose our truth. Accidents do not impose a fate on us. It is not within us. The seeds of crime exist. All that chance does is give the opportunity and appropriate circumstances for these seeds to sow. Blood... The restaurant owner who was killed in the accident... He was killed by his fear and panic and his perception of an imaginary chase that did not exist and imaginary aggression following him... And the circumstances put a pot of boiling water under his hand so that he could defend himself against this aggression... And his recklessness hastened the result, so he grabbed the pot and threw it in his face. The killer...the motives driving this act are from the core of the victim's nature...fear, panic, recklessness, and impulsiveness...and it was possible for these motives to combine to lead to the same result in any place and at any other period of the victim's life if this crime did not occur...and it extended He is old... He must have fallen into such foolishness... Its seeds are in him... And coincidence did not impose on him anything that was not in his nature... It only gave the opportunity for this character to show its ugliest true nature... And the rest of the events are a logical sequence... The other monster .. Boiling water is poured on him.. and his chest is burning, his face is burning, his anger is burning, and coincidence places a sharpened knife under his sight. Its length is 35 centimetres... If he had the nature of someone who avoids evil by staying away from it, he does not transgress himself and prefers safety... but the nature of the predatory beast is in his heart... and it is the nature that prompted him to pounce and slaughter... and not only slaughter... but mutilate his victim by tearing it apart with ten stabs. ... From the moment he slaughtered the victim, there was no longer any danger for him to fear for himself. Nothing necessitated these ten stab wounds. There is no justification from reality that would push the victim to be mutilated. Rather, the justification is the psychological reality that nestles in his heart. He is not a wounded man. .. But he is a wounded monster.. It is a moment of choice, then.. not a inevitable moment.. a moment in which the monster chose himself and revealed his nature... and under what similar circumstances this monster had to be killed... and on the many occasions of aggression to which it must have been exposed. The monster, during his life, because of this accident, or another, had to be killed. We contribute to creating the accidents that shape our destiny. Every one has accidents happen to him that are like him, and like his psychology, and the two children who are playing with the ball. Close to the fire There is not much difference between them and two great leaders like Kennedy and Khrushchev playing with the globe close to the burning atomic fire. When one of them throws the other into the fire, it will not be a coincidence. And when humans die in annihilation war.. It will not be a coincidence. There are those seeds in the heart of hearts. The seeds of evil, hatred, and hatred. Behind the intelligent eyes that appear to be kind, there are sleeping monsters. People on the street who appear to be naive and simple, walking about as they are. They are the same executioners who flayed the skins of victims in Nazi concentration camps. Millions like them walked behind Hitler and destroyed the world, burning women and children with their bombs. If you had encountered one of them in the street, you would not have found him different from the simple man in the street in every place and time. I do not believe that What happens to us is strange to us and our natures. I do not believe that circumstances can push us to do something that contradicts our consciences. I do not believe in determinism. When it leads us to a destiny, it actually leads us to our souls. The forbidden destiny when it happens. No one. It is imposed on us... but we choose it... and what happens to us are our fingerprints... the fingerprints of our souls... Read the pages of crimes... and think again... and tell me... am I wrong... or right... From the book In love and life by the writer Mustafa Mahmoud
Categories: Love words
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